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The serpent Loa of the sky, the wise and loving father of all Loa.


Damballah's Vévé


Long ago, the serpent spirit Damballah created the world. He formed the stars and the planets in the heavens and to shape the hills and valleys on earth. He used lightning bolts to forge metals and make rocks and stones. When he shed his skin he created all the waters on the earth. When he manifests in ritual, he does not speak but only hisses like a snake. Damballah and his wife Ayida Wédo represent creation and are the most important Loa in Voodoo tradition. The divine serpents are associated with wisdom, peace, innocence and purity. Damballah is said to carry all of the forgotten ancestors of humankind on his back and can connect a person to their ancestors. Damballah is the purest of the Loa, and no one may drink or smoke in his presence.

What Damballah Can Do For You:
Damballah isn't a Loa you approach with trivial problems - he is a powerful and compassionate elder who will not let his children suffer. After you speak to Damballah, you’ll discover that problems that appeared insurmountable really aren't all that bad...the solution has been right in front of you all along. You’ll feel euphoric after speaking to him, full of serenity and peace. Damballah can connect you with your ancestors. He is also one of the richest of the Loa, and can help you with money worries. You can ask for Damballah's assistance in keeping your home or your workplace free of negativity and "bad energy." Your work will improve, your relations with those around you will become smoother and more harmonious, and you'll find that many of your problems slowly but surely disappear.


Damballah will only accept white gifts, such as the offering of a perfect, white egg placed on top of a mound of white flour on a plate of white china. He enjoys coconut milk, white rice cooked in coconut milk and white cake. His favorite drink is orgeat syrup, a sweet almond-and-sugar concoction. Damballah is known for his love of purity and cleanliness, so make sure the room smells nice for him. Do not give him cheap trinkets or items you don't really need, he's not likely to respond unless your gifts are up to his standards. 


Remember - You should never make any offerings to Damballah unless you have first bathed and changed into clean clothing - and you should make sure never to touch his things if you are bleeding and do not smoke, drink or use profanities when communicating with him.


Decorate Your Altar:
If you're going to set up a permanent altar to honor Damballah, you should make sure the surrounding space is incredibly clean and that it stays that way. Draw out Damballah’s vévé (symbol) and place it on top of his altar or above it. To represent Damballah, you can use a statue or image of Jesus Christ, or a snake’s skin or snake figurines. Decorate his altar with white and silver items and silver jewelry. You should never smoke tobacco near Damballah's altar, nor should you use alcohol or drugs in his presence.


Day of Worship: March 17, St. Patricks Day, Thursday or Sunday 


Favorite Color/Candle Color: White and silver 


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