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Erzulie Fréda Perfume

Cotton Candy, Raspberry, Caramel, Citrus & Vanilla make up the scent of Erzulie Freda - the Loa of romantic love and the epitome of femininity and compassion.

Erzulie Freda is the Loa of luxury, who likes to dress very nicely and indulges in perfumes. She is the spirit of beauty, love, dancing, sensuality and grace. Erzulie loves men but is not affectionate with other females; women who wish to work with Freda must treat her like a maid treats a mistress.

What Erzulie Can Do For You:
To those who serve Erzulie, she can offer you wealth, prosperity, and luxury. She is mostly called upon for issues dealing with love, money and luck. Erzulie is often invoked to help find a lover, or to renew a love relationship. She is also a powerful magician who can counter the blackest of magic and evil. Do you want to be more attractive? When you want to look your best, ask Erzulie if you can borrow a drop of her perfume, even if you don't normally wear scents. Place this tiny drop over your heart and some of Freda's charm and beauty will rub off on you.

Remember - when working with Erzulie, flattery will get you everywhere; be sure to tell her how beautiful she is and how much you love her. She is a very jealous Loa that loves revenge, so treat her like a Queen.

Erzulié loves everything feminine, including flowers (pink roses are her favorite), makeup, candy and sweet, sugary foods; she’ll be very happy with any Valentine’s Day gifts! You should never give her anything black. The ultimate gift to Erzulié would be to buy her a nice bottle of perfume, and place it on her altar. Sprinkle on a little bit of her perfume on your heart to gain beauty and confidence when you need to look your best. (Men can also use a tiny bit of her perfume, or they can ask her to recommend a nice cologne.)

Decorate Your Altar:
To represent Erzulie’s beauty, some people will place images or figurines of Marilyn Monroe on her altar. Decorate Erzulie's altar with shades of pink and pink flowers. Give her a nice bottle of perfume, as well as a beautiful fan and a mirror. Draw out Erzulié’s vévé (symbol) and place it on her altar or hang above it. Leave Erzulie’s offerings on top of her altar. You also should never smoke cigarettes or marijuana around Freda.

White, light blue and pink.

She is very demanding and will ask for its own special day and a room, she is also celebrated on Valentines Day.

Erzulie Fréda Perfume

  • Perfume Ingredients

    Organic Jojoba Oil, Distilled Perfumers Alcohol, and Essential Oils.

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